Hi! Welcome to my project for the VITAL Summer Camp 2018! The title of this project is "Don't fall!" This project was developed in approximately 2 weeks using a software called Unity3D. The assets were downloaded from the asset store, but all programming and placement of objects to create the world and the game play were created by me. PSA stands for Public Service Announcement. The message that I hope to deliver with this project is the importance of fall hazards, whether it is in construction, another type of workplace, or even your own household. Falling accidents occur very often, but there are certain precautions you can take in order to stay safe, and that's the goal of this game!
The Story
Your best friend Ashley has taken you to the Fall Forest. A magical forest which trains young children the importance of falling, and how to prepare them to handle certain falling situations at home. The Fall Forest has 4 different fall hazard challenges. First, you must cross the small pond of rocks to advance. If you try to go around it, she will notice, and make you restart, so make sure you complete the challenge correctly! Next, she will tell you to cross the bridge and she'll go right after you, but to make sure you stay near the center. The reason for this is because standing in the very edge of a bridge can be very dangerous, and a simple mistake can mean that you might fall off. However, as you approach the center of the bridge, a rock appears and it's falling on top of you! You must quickly run to the other side to ensure that you don't get hurt. Ashley notices this, and teaches you that you must ALWAYS pay attention to surroundings. When you are at a construction site, for example, many objects may fall from nearby structures, and they can cause some serious injury. That's why you must always be alert.
After you cross the bridge, Ashley can no longer follow you in the adventure because she is stuck on the other side. Therefore, you must continue without her. However, she informs you that her friend lives nearby in this very forest, and that she can help you with the rest of the challenges. Ashley will try to find a way around the bridge, and meet with you at the last challenge. Once you go meet with Ashley's friend Lexi, she shows you her boat. This is the third challenge. You must travel on the boat with Lexi to a secret forest where the last challenge is located. You can use a speed boost on the boat to go faster, but if you go too fast, the boat begins to tip over and there is a risk that you and Lexi might fall off the boat. That's why you have to watch your speed as you travel. The faster you go, the more the boat will tip!
While traveling around in the boat, you will find obstacles that can also cause your boat to flip over. There are many rocks in the river which you must maneuver around in order to safely get to your destination. Don't worry however, these obstacles aren't usually a problem, and they can easily be avoided!
The boat ride can be considered quite a lengthy one, but I advise you to just sit back and enjoy the nice view, because the last challenge is a difficult one!
The last challenge is one which you must focus on your spatial abilities. It is a very similar challenge to the first one, however, the rocks now move left and right. This is why you need spatial visualization abilities. If you can find the pattern of the rock's movement and familiarize yourself with it, the challenge will become much easier.
At the end, the player is rewarded by visiting the Island Kingdom. The player can explore and find hidden secrets as a way to have fun and relax from the super difficult challenge they just played! The grand piece of the Island Castle is the aqueduct.
Now, the aqueduct has many different arch pieces that must be put together in different sizes and a different number in each row. I was taught by my supervisor, Mario Eraso, that instead of putting every little arch by hand, I can easily create an aqueduct through code using the new For Loop that I learned in the Summer Camp!
By using the For Loop, I can change the amount of arches in each row as the row increases by 1. The figure aside can give you a visual representation of what I mean. The variable n stands for the amount of arches. As the row increases by 1, the variable n switches to a bigger number because we need more arches, since they also become smaller as the row increases.
That's pretty much the end! If you read it this far thank you so much for putting forth interest in my work and I will continue updating my projects and creating new ones! If you wish to contact me, please click the contact tab above on the Header Panel.